
Hello and welcome to Trisha Harris Photography. I am so glad you are here!
I am Trisha Harris, owner and photographer and artist at Trisha Harris Photography. I believe we all have a story, a story worth telling, sharing and capturing. It is what makes us who we are. My story is just like everyone else’s’, a little bit of ups and downs with a lot of memories along the way.
When I was in college, I discovered the art of Black and White photography. It was amazing taking a negative in a dark room, and transforming it into art. I still have those images hanging on my wall. They are a part of me. It was a time when I was discovering myself and through that art I captured some of those emotions.
After that class, photography hung out in the back of my mind. I knew I couldn’t convert an entire room into a dark room, but there had to be other options. That is when I was introduced to digital photography…AH-MAZING! (insert late bloomer with technology) I was blown away with the digital camera and the storage space and the ease of taking pictures and developing them. It lit a fire inside of me that was bound to do something. I began to learn more about the digital world and finally got a DSLR camera off craigslist. I started photographing nature. I couldn’t take enough photos. I loved every minute of it. Then friends and family really loved my work and encouraged me to take photos of them. So I began like everyone else does, taking pictures of them. Honing my skill and learning as much as I could.
I continued to challenge myself, take workshops and online training to get more information and better photos. In 2014 I took a newborn workshop- Precious Beginnings with Cherise Kiel. It was the AH-ha moment for me. This is what I want to do. I told my husband and he was fully supportive. At the same time, we were trying to have children. Ok so we were trying for a few years with no luck. Knowing we wanted kids and it wasn’t an easy process, I was afraid to leave my corporate job and benefits. So I worked weekends and nights as a photographer and days as a banker. Finally in May of 2015, I made the decision to make Trisha Harris Photography a legal business. It was a huge step for me. July of 2015 we found out we were pregnant with our first child! How amazing is that?!?! Fast forward to April 2016, and we welcomed our son into the world. I finally get to leave my corporate job to be a full time wife, mommy and photographer.
My passion for capturing precious moments for people is a reality. It is what excites me. I love cuddling a newborn baby and creating art that shows their simplicity and delicacy. To be able to provide the parents with this memory – one that goes by so quickly- brings pure joy to my heart. Or to capture the intimate love between couples…new romance or timeless love, they all bring emotion to the table and I get the honor of capturing that emotion and freezing that moment in time. Family session filled with so many different elements as each member brings their own personality to the session. That is what makes each family special and each member of the family important.
Life is full of amazing moments. That is why I love capturing these moments for my clients. Providing them with beautiful art they can cherish for years to come. I hope you will take the time to allow me to capture your life…right now…right where you are. We all have excuses, don’t let your excuse become a regret…life is short…capture the memories now.”