Run Smarter Information Technology helps local businesses enhance their productivity through strategic integration of hardware, software, and technology processes. Run Smarter IT is technology simplified.

Run Smarter works with small, medium, and even international companies. The professionals at Run Smarter have experience in a wide range of industries spanning from contractors like Paul Davis, manufacturers such as Cross-Brands and Sagrad, to professional services like Heather McDonough CPA of McDonough Solution, all the way to aircraft customization firms like NorthStar Aviation.

Contact Run Smarter IT at or 321-300-6003

If you are interested in reaching new customers and promoting your brand we would love to sit down with you. Contact us today at: 321-775-5514 or [email protected]

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First, we look at technology from a business perspective, so the top priority is reaching the business’ goals. To do so, we ensure there is a solid technology strategy that is inline with the business strategy.

To develop this strategy, many technology decisions have to be made. For many business owners, making technology decisions can seem complex. Having a partner, like Run Smarter IT, that can simplify the complexities of technology means having the best information available to make smart business decisions.

In short, “Running Smarter” means Complexity Simplified

We look at technology from a business perspective. The right technology can greatly help achieve a business’ goals. By conducting a S.M.A.R.T. Review during the early stages of our engagement with our customers, we are able to get valuable insight on our customers’ operations, processes, and their technology, This gives us the information necessary to recommend and deliver Enterprise Solutions that are inline with the business strategies.

We believe these Enterprise Applications are key to run a successful and profitable business. It takes many applications working together to guarantee this success. We recommend the right mix of applications and then provide the most effective implementation, support, and training for these applications.

It is a crucial step of our 90 Day Strategic Transformation process to convert a business into a strategically oriented organization. 

  • Research, Discover and Document all IT systems.  
    • Gathering systems configuration by an engineer and by an automated process.
    • Meet with upper management to discuss and understand business operations and goals.
    • Meet with employees that work hands on with the systems to learn the workflows and processes.  
  • Last, we analyze and provide a comprehensive IT Strategy that aligns with your goals.